Mobile app marketing: Abercrombie pairs weather forecast with seasonal looks

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The Abercrombie brand is first and foremost about looking hot. This was taken to the next level by transforming something as practical as a weather app into a way to find hot new looks, modelled by attractive forecasters. This case study looks at how the fashion brand used mobile app marketing to get customers engaging with the brand while on the move.

The A&F Forecast presents the daily weather forecast from Abercrombie & Fitch. A&F models dressed in the latest seasonal looks are paired with local temperature and weather conditions, available across various mobile devices and platforms.


The objective was to provide intriguing content to encourage customers to continue visiting the A&F loyalty site daily while inviting new members. The strategy was to build on an existing daily habit: checking the weather to decide what to wear.

Each day, A&F provided club members with the hottest looks, available for purchase through the app, thus creating a new daily habit for loyal site visitors. Club Members could unlock special gifts and deals and flaunt their VIP status by inviting new members.

The A&F Club, and sister brand Hollister’s Club Cali, exceeded membership goals with more than 1,000,000 new registrations in less than six months.

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