Twitter marketing trends: Brands react to Apple’s ‘bendgate’

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It took just 9 bending complaints to steal the thunder from the successful launch of Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus which saw 10 million orders. As ‘bendgate’ took over Twitter in September 2014, a number of fast acting brands were quick to join in the fun getting much publicity in the process. View some of the best tweets here...


Apple's record breaking iPhone 6 sales were marred by two high-profile fails, as users flock to social media to complain about bent phones and a software update that rendered their devices unable to make calls.

A number of brands were also quick to get in on the conversation, with Kit Kat (a partner with rival Android) coming up with a smart spoof tweet withing hours of the story errupting on Twitter:

Heineken was slightly more sympathetic:

Meanwhile rival Samsung had two quick responses:

While LG pointed out that it's phones are supposed to flex:

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