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Uk case studies: we currently have 138.
Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 138 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more CaseStudies@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com.
Case study – blogger engagement strategies in the UK
Digital marketers often overlook blogger engagement strategies which can be a quick win for many brands – here we show the top 20 most influential blogs in the UK market as a reminder that blogger engagement strategies should be on every marketer’s radar.
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Sector: Sport, Fashion, FMCG, Media, Film, Entertainment, TV, Finance, Gardening, Music, Food and Beverages, Travel, Retail, Retaurants, Health and Beauty | Country: UK | Objective: Brand positioning, drive engagement, Seasonal promotion | Format: SEO, Google, AdWords, Newspapers |
14/03/2013 | Full story...
Mobile Case Study: Littlewoods doubles conversions with mobile affiliate tracking
Ahead of the Christmas rush, Littlewoods used mobile affiliate tracking to boost sales from publishing sites linking to their mobile-optimised store. The results spoke for themselves, with a rise in mobile customers spending more than their desktop counterparts.
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Brand: Littlewoods | Sector: Retail | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive sales | Format: Affiliate marketing , display advertisign, mobile marketing, behavioral targeting | Agency/ Partner: Affiliate Window |
01/03/2013 | Full story...
Case study: P&O email videos get 950% increase in bookings
P&O’s recent “Grand Event” campaign used dynamic content into their email marketing for the first time, with some extremely strong results. This case study, from Experian CheetahMail, illustrates how P&O a 950% increase in bookings and 679% boost in revenue (as compared to previous email campaign without a video).
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Brand: P&O | Sector: Travel | Country: UK | Agencies: Experian CheetahMail | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Email, Video |
14/02/2013 | Full story...
Twitter marketing case study - HMV's weak social media policy damages brand
Does your brand have a good social media policy in place? This Twitter marketing case stud shows what can happen when firms engage in social media without having the right approach. Marketers being sacked by struggling retailer used the company's official Twitter feed to release their anger, creating a PR crisis. It makes for painful reading, but reminds every business how transparent the world is today.
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Brand: HMV | Sector: FMCG, Retail, Recruitment | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Social Media, Twitter |
08/02/2013 | Full story...
Email case study: Blind charity’s email trick gets 24% click through rate
Last year, the Royal National Institute for the Blind ran an email campaign that cleverly played with email conventions to challenge readers to empathise with blind or partially sighted people. This case study looks at how they managed to get a 24% click through rate with a simple but effective email.
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Brand: RNIB | Sector: Charity | Coutry: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Elvis | Format: Email |
06/02/2013 | Full story...
Case study: Heinz Facebook ‘Five beanz’ quiz reaches 10m people
Back in the summer of 2012, Heinz promoted its new ‘Five Beanz’ range via a Facebook quiz offering the chance to win one of the five beans with their name engraved on it. The campaign ran for two weeks and 22,143 took the quiz, with over 10,000 shares and reached10.8m people on Facebook. In total, the Heinz Facebook community grew by 30,000 extra fans.
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Brand: Heinz | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: We Are Social | Format: Facebook, Social Media |
22/01/2013 | Full story...
Volvic recruits bloggers for 'Team Volcanicity' live event coverage
Volvic has launched a new campaign seeking talented bloggers, photographers and social media 'addicts' to form ‘Team Volcanicity’ and represent the brand online. In return, the water brand will provide access to some of the UK’s events and activities of 2013 to the winners of its Facebook competition, which launches on 21 January. The opportunity to join ‘Team Volcanicity’ will be open to Facebook fans who will be asked to submit a photo which they believe expresses their ‘Volcanicity’ which will be open to public voting.
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Brand: Volvic | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agecny: We Are Social | Format: Facebook, Social Media |
22/01/2013 | Full story...
Facebook case study: English Cheese Cake Company fans grow from 2,000 to 30,000
This campaign is a great example of from small acorns. The English Cheese Cake Company managed to increase its Facebook fanbase by more 11 fold in one year, rising from just 2,000 fans to 23,000 (it now has around 30,000). It gained over 4,500 likes through its primary sponsored stories campaign alone and as many as 30% of its new customers come through Facebook. The engaged community it has grown means that fans will often reply to other fans flavour questions, acting as a brand ambassadors for English Cheesecake Company.
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Brand: English Cheesecake Company | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media |
17/01/2013 | Full story...
John West interactive YouTube video tells ‘story in a can’
This interactive YouTube video forms part of John West’s latest £6m marketing efforts to showcase its ethical fishing practices. The ‘story in a can’ campaign invites UK consumers to track exactly where their canned fish comes from. Created by CheethamBell JWT, the ‘story in a can’ creative features a weathered fisherman aboard a trawler, holding up a can of tuna and telling a story about the fishing trip during which the tuna was caught.
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Brand: John West | Country: UK | Agency: CheethamBell JWT, Carat Manchester | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverages | Format: YouTube, Video, Facebook, Social Media
20/11/2012 | Full story...
Spoof Bodyform CEO responds to Facebook man’s rant- and gets 3m views in a week
UK maxi pad brand Bodyform has created a viral ad with a fictional CEO responding to a Facebook user, who accused the company of lying to the public. Facebook user Richard Neill wrote a sarcastic comment on Bodyform's page earlier this month poking fun at the company's depiction of a woman's "wonderful time of the month" in its TV ads. At the time of this publication, Neill’s rant totalled 88,745 likes and 3,848 comments. The spoof video - which has so far notched up nearly 3m views on YouTube - ends with the CEO thanking Richard for lifting the veil on their lies and exposing the truth.
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Brand: Bodyform | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG healthcare | Agency: Carat | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube
09/11/2012 | Full story...
Social media case study: LowCostHolidays gives free holiday to ‘Thomas Cook’ after Facebook snub
In a social media coup, a man who shared his name with travel agency Thomas Cook won a free holiday, courtesy of rival LowCostHolidays. The man (named Thomas Cook) was awarded a trip to Paris after the travel agency Thomas Cook turned him down for a free vacation. Cook eventually got his trip and posted a smiling picture of himself in Paris on the social news site Reddit, which was voted to the number one most-read item. The PR stunt highlights the benefits of on-going monitoring of competitor’s social media pages, whether Facebook, Twitter YouTube.
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Brand: LowCostHolidays | Country: UK | Sector: Travel | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Facebook
08/11/2012 | Full story...
Twitter case study: Waitrose tweet contest- PR disaster or triumph?
A Twitter campaign from Waitrose became the subject of ridicule during September 2012, once again sparking the debate as to whether there’s ‘no such thing as bad publicity’ on social media. The supermarket invited Twitter customers to finish the sentence ‘I shop at Waitrose because…’, asking them to include the hashtag “#WaitroseReasons”. Most of the tweets made fun of Waitrose’s prices and its upmarket image. This case study examines the risks and rewards of running hashtag-based social media campaigns...
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Brand: Waitrose | Country: UK | Sector: Retail, Supermarket | Format: Twitter, social media
26/09/2012 | Full story...
Cookie case study: C4 uses new cookie law to its advantage
As the controversial EU cookie law came into effect last weekend, Channel 4 managed to communicate the idea of collecting user data as part of a positive brand message, with a little help from comedian Alan Carr. The ‘Viewer Promise’ email and video campaign drew upon the broadcaster’s 2011 data strategy 2011 to give viewers a more personalised experience, which helped it amass a database of 2 million viewer profiles.
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Brand: Channel 4 | Media: Video, email | Country: UK | Sector: TV| Format: Email, Video
14/09/2012 | Full story...
Viral marketing case study: The T-Mobile Royal Wedding gets 20m views
The sight of Prince William leapfrogging Prince Harry, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams getting his groove on and other royals dancing their way down the aisle was enough to create one of the most successful virals of the year. To date it the T-Mobile video has received more than 20 million views - that's not so far off the number who watched the big day on television in the UK.
The video was conceived by the mobile carrier brand T-Mobile and has gained well over 20 million views since being uploaded to YouTube on April 15. Set to East 17's "House of Love".
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Brand: T-Mobile | Media: Video | Country: US |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi | Format: YouTube
01/08/2012 | Full story...
Social media case study: McVities Facebook campaign gets fans sharing cake coupons
United Biscuit’s cake and biscuit brand McVities has launched a ‘Bring Out The Cake’ campaign, designed to get Facebook fans sharing coupons to promote the brand’s cake range. The firm is working with Coupons.com to manage the digital coupon element of its national campaign created by independent marketing agency, RPM. The campaign has generated 26,903 likes and 4,970 conversations since its launch.
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Brand: McVities | Media: Facebook, Social Media | Country: UK |Sector: FMCG | Agency: RPM |
20/07/2012 | Full story...
YouTube advertising- Code Club school kids grill Internet pioneers
The founders of YouTube, Skype, Lastminute and even the world wide web face their toughest grilling yet in this humourous video from Code Club, a new UK initiative to try to get more kids learning to code. The video turns the idea of a startup pitch parade on its head, giving the reigns to a panel of kids, and the job of pitching to some of the biggest successes in technology today. The YouTube ad has so far racked up more than half a million views.
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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »
27/06/2012 | Full story...
Case Study: How Coke Zone’s customer loyalty scheme became the top grocery brand site in the UK
Back in 2008, Coca-Cola was faced with a declining market share in the UK teen market. This case study reveals how the drinks giant linked on-pack point codes to an engaging Coke Zone rewards website, boosting customer loyalty and becoming the most visited UK grocery brand site in the process.
Since the scheme went live, its email offers mailshot enjoys an open rate of 49 percent and a click through rate of 71 percent. The Coke Zone site garners dwell time averages 9 minutes, and prize draw entries total 116,497. Coke Zone is now consistently the UK's no.1 Food & Drink brand website. Currently the site gets over 38 million Facebook fans and over 400,000 Twitter followers.
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Brand: Coca Cola | Media: interactive digital marketing | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: engage the youth market | Agency: Carlson Marketing | Format: Multi-Channel Marketing
Digital Marketing Case Study | Coke Zone's holiday video
13/02/2012 | Full story...
Case Study: NetSupport | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: IT software | Objectives: Direct response, increasing conversion, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search
Net Support, a software development company from Peterborough, UK, needed efficient and cost-effective marketing to expand into new markets in North America, Asia and the Middle East.. To achieve this goal they began by targeting relevant inventory in international markets on the Google content network. It developed this strategy by launching rich media advertising created by Google Display Ad Builder. As a result they achieved 15-25% conversion rates on the Google content network, 1.5 million+ impressions per day on the content network and saved design costs on creating individual image ads.
Download the case study: NetSupport - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | NetSupport
Case Study: Cambria Automobiles | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search
Cumbria Automobiles (www.MotorParks.co.uk) in the UK needed a marketing tool to drive their expansion in tough economic conditions. To achieve these goals the company invested in Google AdWords to promote new dealerships and utilised the the reporting on Google Analytics. As a result, MotorParks.co.uk quadrupled its market share and helped fuel exponential growth of new dealerships.
Download the case study: Cambria Automobiles - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | Cambria Automobiles
Case Study: Ambergreen | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Marketing agency | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search
Ambergreen, a digital marekting agency based in Edinburgh, UK, needed more efficient management of AdWords accounts. To address this problem they began exploring the new tools and functionalities of the new Google AdWords interface. The result was clear as significant time savings were made along with improved account management effectiveness for Ambergreen's range of blue chip clients.
Download the case study: Ambergreen - Google AdWords | Google AdWords | Ambergreen
Case Study: 1upSearch | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Marketing agency | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search
1upsearch, a digital marketing agency based in Bedford, UK, needed a powerful website analysis tool to help drive ROI for their customers. To achieve this goal they set up Google Website Optimiser experiments. This allowed them to run tests on websites of different shapes and sizes, with Website Optimiser consistently providing the insight to make the website better. Following the experiments 1upsearch implemented the winning site variations. The result has been clear, as the agency achieved a 20% improvement in conversions for one their largest clients.
Download the case study: 1upSearch - Google Website Optimisation | Google Website Optimiser | 1upSearch
Case Study: French Connection - FCUK | Media: MSN | Country: UK | Sector: Clothing | Objective: Brand awareness, brand repositioning, buzz | Format: In-game advertising
In-game advertising on the Massive network provided the genuine buzz needed to establish FCUK as a leading fashion brand for young men. Previously used as a campaign slogan by clothing brand French Connection, the big rises in awareness and word-of-mouth recommendation delivered by the campaign helped to establish FCUK as a brand in its own right.
Download the MSN case studies compendium
Case Study: 20th Century Fox | Media: MSN | Country: UK | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Brand awareness, purchase intent, cut-through | Format: Video, In-game advertising
Digital media turned in a star-making performance for the launch of 20th Century Fox’s The Day The Earth Stood Still, as a groundbreaking study showcased its huge potential for film marketing.
Download the MSN case studies compendium
Case Study: Vaseline | Media: MSN | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG- Healthcare | Objective: Brand repositioning, purchase intent | Format: In-game advertising
Positioning its “strong and resilient” skincare message alongside a series of highaction, male-interest games drove home Vaseline’s message that taking care of your skin isn’t just for women.
Download the MSN case studies compendium
Case Study: Armed Forces Day | Agency: Worth | Country: UK | Sector: Events | Objectives: Brand awareness, buzz | Format : Social media
Worth harnessed the burgeoning power of social media to improve the UK public’s support and awareness for Armed Forces Day and encourage a celebration of the forces, veterans and wider forces family, to honour the work they do. Worth's use of digital to create highly engaging content and development of spaces where communities could grow and flourish has allowed them to mature into meaningful places of support and an overall increase in positive participation.
Post campaign research has shown www.armedforcesday.org.uk had over 180,200 website visits between 1st April and 7th of July 2009. There was an unprecedented growth in the Facebook fans from 4,000 in late May to just over 100,000 by 26th June, with a joining rate of more than 3 people per second up to the 100,000th membership. The membership rate continues to grow, soon to reach its 200,000th member. Nearly 13,000 people signed up to the AFD mailing list – with over 9,000 receiving free window stickers to spread the campaign message further and over 6,000 leaving a message of support. Further, 6,295 photos were uploaded into the Flickr photo gallery by fans from 2009 events.
Worth Armed Forces Day on Twitter Armed Forces Day on Facebook
20/01/2010 | Full story...
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