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The Search Academy: Congratulations!

ian%20polska%20training2.bmp We really enjoyed running this Advanced level edition of The Search Academy in Warsaw. You guys were great to work with and clearly Warsaw's internet economy is in good hands. The issues you're tackling, and the solutions you have, mirror those in agencies and client-side teams in London, New York or Frankfurt, and we're looking forward to seeing some case studies flow back to the Digital Training Academy so we can showcase what you've been up to. Over the next few months try taking some occasional time out to reflect on the training and some of the wider points about the role of search and direct marketing in corporate structures, and how you can help your businesses unlock more of the power of search. Remember our models for the delivery of search campaigns, and the important role of the client marketing team in ensuring those customers convert.

Anna, Ann and I all hope we'll get the chance to work with you again here in Warsaw.

Danny Meadows-Klue, Tutor