Devil Baby stunt terrorises New Yorkers to get 36m views

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How do you go about promoting a horror movie about a devil child? There are all the usual routes--TV ads, billboards, websites, trailers--but perhaps the best way to convey the spirit of the film is to actually scare the living hell out of people with an actual devil baby. Following on from the success of Carrie’s YouTube prank last year, the makers of 20th Century Fox’s latest horror movie ‘Devil’s Due’ have used a similar tactic to great effect- getting over 36m views in the process.

Brand: 20th Century Fox| Sector: Film | Country: US | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Video, Viral, Social

The campaign, created by Thinkmodo used a robotic baby inside a remote-controlled stroller, that was set it loose on the streets of New York. The reactions of well-meaning passersby are priceless.

Thinkmodo worked with L.A.'s Creature Effects to create the creature , which required three operators--one for the stroller, the other two for the baby's movement and facial expressions--who stayed well hidden a block or two away while the baby did its thing.

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