Deciding how to split a marketing media budget can be difficult without in depth measurement and insights from previous campaigns. Airline KLM believed that mobile ads were important, but to what extent when the majority of their sales take place on a desktop? KLM needed to set up cross device customer tracking so that they could discover the real impact mobile was having on sales.
Case study summary
The majority of KLMs flight bookings take place on desktop computers. KLM needed to better understand how mobile affects desktop purchases in order to justify mobile media spend to determine how much they should invest in the future. KLM used people based measurement tools on Atlas to measure the customer journey along multiple touchpoints and across devices. The results concluded that even though customers still tend to buy their airline tickets on desktop, they’re increasingly influenced to do so by the company’s mobile and cross-device campaigns, thus making the investment in mobile media worthwhile.
Airline KLM wanted to better understand the value of mobile advertising. Two big questions facing their business were:
1. “How much should they invest in mobile display ads in the future?”
2. “What impact do mobile ads have on desktop conversions, and vice versa?”
The insight
KLM had invested in mobile display because they believed in the power of mobile as part of a multichannel advertising strategy. However, without accurate cross-device tracking and with lagging results on mobile conversions it was difficult to justify the spend. KLM needed technology that could measure cross device activity and measure and prove the impact of media investment in mobile.
• Cross-device measurement is more accurate for tracking conversions
• While 95% of all conversions took place on desktop and 5% on mobile, the results showed 25% of all conversions were influenced by a mobile ad
• KML uncovered 24% more conversions by using people-based measurement instead of cookie-based measurement alone
• Cross device measurement revealed men and women convert equally