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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Travel And Tourism case studies: we currently have 81.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 81 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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CRM case study: Carling promises ‘Brighton or Barbados’ holidays to build customer database

Carling is the latest brand to push hard into the CRM space with an aggressive database building campaign, offering holidays for an upcoming bank holiday weekend in the UK. The campaign aimed to increase the drinks brand’s database of opted-in valid customers, al;ongside building brand equity, associating Carling with holiday weekends and giving people great experiences. This case study looks at how the ambitious campaign attracted much attention- but not always for the right reasons.


15/04/2015  |  Full story...

Social gaming case study: AirAsia ‘Friendsy’ competition lets Facebook friends share private plane

Back in April 2012, AirAsia celebrated the launch into its most-anticipated Australian hub, Sydney. With little consumer awareness in this brand new and fiercely competitive market, they wanted to create a campaign that would develop brand awareness. This case study looks at how the airline brand created a Facebook competition that lets one lucky Facebook fan commandeer their very own AirAsia plane, growing its fan base 30% and generating a PR value of $1,627,593 in the process.

08/04/2015  |  Full story...

Social tourism case study: The little village that went global

Back in 2013, the little mountain village of Obermutten, Switzerland, issued a promise on Facebook: anybody who likes the village's Facebook Page can have their picture posted on the village bulletin board. This case study looks at how the village promoted tourism with a digital twist, investing 10,000 Swiss francs and getting the equivalent of a 2.4 million franc media buy.

12/03/2015  |  Full story...

Case study: Cottages4you gets 957% ROI with follow up messages

In December 2013 Triggered Messaging and cottages4you worked together to introduce a browse and cart abandonment strategy which went live in early January 2014. Cart abandonment is a challenge that faces every organisation selling online, but it is dependent on visitors placing items in their basket. Crucially, it doesn’t’ take in to account the often larger number who simply browse and leave. This case study looks at how “For every £1 invested with Triggered Messaging it has returned £9.57.


03/02/2015  |  Full story...

Elf and safety: Air New Zealand gets into the Hobbit for epic viral video

Most flight safety videos can be tedious affairs, but this new video from Air New Zealand transports us to Middle Earth, with a host of stars from the new Hobbit movies adding new meaning to ‘elf and safety’. The ad has become the airline's most successful ever, getting close to 120,000 people viewing it online every hour and clocking up a record 16 million online views within a week of release.

29/10/2014  |  Full story...

Usability case study: How optimisation helped Flybe boost revenues


In November 2013, Flybe partnered with Maxymiser to develop a long-term strategy to improve customer experience across its digital channels. The plan helped transform Flybe’s customer engagement with campaign alone providing a catalyst for stunning annualised revenue growth of £8.5 million. This case study looks at how the regional airline achieved success.

13/08/2014  |  Full story...

Genius or balls? Airbnb rebrand sparks web ridicule

Airbnb has undergone a rebrand as the accommodation sharing website looks to target more markets, but the new logo has attracted widespread mockery on the web for its similarities to certain parts of the human anatomy.

The company released a video about the meaning of the Bélo symbol (which appears to the left of "airbnb" in the logo):

22/07/2014  |  Full story...

Uber taxi firm use digital PR to fuel market development

Transport marketing case study - Digital PR techniques are powerful for the online amplification of offline events, and taxi firm Uber’s ice cream stunt is a great example of how to use digital channels to get people talking about a service.

21/07/2014  |  Full story...

Twitter fail: KLM apologises for offensive Mexico World Cup tweet

Dutch airline KLM was forced to apologise for joke tweet following Netherlands' victory over Mexico at the 2014 World Cup. This case study looks at the perils of tweeting before you think, especially when caught up in the euphoria of sporting victory over large segment of your customer base.


02/07/2014  |  Full story...

Marriott offers loyalty points for social shares

Hotel chain Marriott Rewards has launched a PlusPoints program that rewards loyalty program members 250 points for each Facebook 'like' or Twitter 'follow'. Under the scheme, sharers also get 25 points for each Facebook share or retweet about Marriott — up to a maximum of 2,000 points every 30 days.


28/05/2014  |  Full story...

Case study: Digital hub helps First Great Western to keep Dawlish train line on track


After the sea wall on the Dawlish line is badly breached, First Great Western partners with ORM to create a travel advice hub for users of the washed away railway line. This case study looks at how customers and the public were kept in the loop on progress restoring the vital and historic rail line- boosting customer support and web traffic in the process.

07/05/2014  |  Full story...

Social media fail: US Airways sorry for Twitter porn blunder


In April 2014, US Airways had to apologise after a pornographic photo was sent from its official Twitter account in response to a customer complaint. This case study looks at the fallout from the offending tweet and looks at the dangers of hastily (and unchecked) public social media responses.

16/04/2014  |  Full story...

Search case study: Hizon’s Catering boosts sales 50% with holistic digital campaign

Hizon’s Catering, a local catering company in the Philippines, used the power of digital marketing, via the web, social, search and mobile, to improve its sales. This video shows how their target customer engages with their company at different phases in their wedding planning process.

Brand: Hizon | Sector: Travel, Hospitality | Country: Philippines | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Video, Social, Search, Mobile

20/02/2014  |  Full story...

Case study: Landing page optimisation drives commercial value at easyJet


Personalising and testing the online customer experience can have lasting effects on customer engagement, conversion funnels and revenue. Moreover, in the competitive online travel sector, the effective marriage of a data-rich environment and powerful customer experience optimisation tools is helping travel companies provide customers with more personalised online journeys. This case study shows how airline Easyjet optimised its web presence in partnership with Maxymiyser attracting over 370 million visits in 2012.

Brand: EasyJet | Sector: Travel | Country: Global | Agency/Partner: Maxymiser | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Web design

17/01/2014  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Airbnb creates 4 minute film using Vine videos

Social accommodation app Airbnb launched its first video ad this month- compiled only using 6-second Vine videos from Twitter fans. The 4-minute long commercial was composed after the firm asked its Twitter followers to create their own short Vine videos for the film, each of which depicts a different scene with a paper airplane traveling across the world.

Airbnb’s commercial, dubbed ‘Hollywood & Vines’, aired on the Sundance Channel in September 2013, and can been viewed in the embedded YouTube video below:

Brand: Airbnb | Sector: Hospitality, Travel | Country: US | Partner/agency: Mullen | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Video, Vine, Twitter, Social media

09/10/2013  |  Full story...

Multivariate testing helps Center Parcs make smarter business decisions


In 2012, Center Parcs partnered Maxymiser to develop a long-term customer experience optimisation strategy. It had two key objectives; to improve online conversion and encourage users to book earlier, and to prepare the way for the opening of the new village in Woburn. This case study shows how the company is using testing to cut down on risks while reacting more quickly by making real-time changes based on real-time data.

Brand: Center Parcs | Sector: Travel, Hospitality | Country: UK | Agency/Partner: Maxymiser | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Multivariate Testing, Analytics

10/09/2013  |  Full story...

Lynx debuts holiday dating app to 'Get Le Girl'

In summer 2013, Lynx launched a humorous dating app to help young men charm women and compete with their friends while on holiday. The Unilever-owned brand created the app, called Get le girl, to assist young men on their quest to meet women while on holiday. The app includes chat up line translations created to help guys master the native tongue and impress local girls.

Brand: Lynx/Axe | Sector: FMCG Healthcare | Country: UK | Partner/agency: TMW | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Mobile, app

14/08/2013  |  Full story...

Malaysia Tourism uses a multi-platform BBC campaign to boost favourability


Tourism Malaysia used a multi-platform BBC campaign to boost favourability towards the country as a tourist destination. The campaign used four commercial films exploring different elements of the country’s appeal. These were on BBC World News and delivered these to an audience of upmarket, affluent, frequent flyers, with additional support through print advertising in Lonely Planet magazine. The campaign resulted in 124% uplift in favourability among those exposed to the advertising versus those who were not exposed to the advertising. “The BBC is a perfect platform to reach out to our key audiences.”- Abdul Khani Daud, Director, Advertising Division, Tourism Malaysia

Malaysia BBC case study | Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Malaysia | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

South Africa Tourism works with BBC worldwide to boost visits


South Africa used BBC sponsorship to drive consideration amongst adventurous travellers. The South African Tourism created a series of commercial films and reached affluent, frequent flyers through BBC World News (including sponsorship of Sport Today’s World Cup coverage) and It’s Possible South African Tourism advertising on

Additional support for the campaign came through print advertising in Lonely Planet magazine and a dedicated microsite, which housed the films and provided extended content and competitions. The campaign delivered 26.5 million ad impressions and 48% uplift in recall amongst those exposed to the ads on BBC platforms. Users from over 200 countries and territories visited the South African Tourism microsite.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: South Africa | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC sponsorship |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

InterContinental BBC Worldwide campaign goes mobile to create brand awareness and favourability


InterContinental used BBC sponsorship to reinforce InterContinental Hotel’s & Resorts’ reputation for local expertise, creating brand awareness and favourability in the process. The five-part sponsorship supported by a dedicated section on and a splash page BBC Mobile. The campaign resulted in 47% of those exposed to the InterContinental planned to stay with InterContinental over the next 12 months, a 38% increase over those who had not seen the ads on BBC platforms.

Video advertising case study | Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: InterContinental | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

How MTN used banner advertising to create brand awareness and favourability


MTN used BBC sponsorship to boost brand awareness and favourability. The communications company used sponsorship on BBC world news and World Cup ads across Africa and the Middle East. The campaign resulted in 97% brand favourability from those who saw the ads on BBC platforms. “Creative and collaborative from the start, BBC Advertising delivered the ideal view of Cyprus to attract our target audience.”- Phoebe Katsouris, Director General, Cyprus Tourism

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Cyprus | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |


How Airbus used banner advertising to create brand awareness and favourability


Airbus used BBC campaign to create awareness of the Airbus A380. The campaign had a one-day global takeover of key sections on was to maximise the impact of Airbus’ advertising budget and maximising the opportunity represented by the Dubai Airshow. The online advertising campaign on delivered 25 million page impressions in just 24 hour, helping to create brand awareness and favourability.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Airbus| Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |


How Days Inn used location-based targetting to create increase bookings


Days Inn used location based targeted ads to increase room stay across their 60 plus hotels nationwide and continue with their innovative mobile marketing strategy. Days Inn Business Alliance Hotels, part of the Wyndham Hotel Group, used search-based location targeted advertising via the mobile application. Any user searching for specific hotel, accommodation or related keywords was able to view a Days Inn advertisement for 15% off a 2 night stay. After the user clicked on the ad, they were taken to a banner ad that provided a click to call or click to web to make a reservation. The campaign received over 5% click through rate and 13% click to call as well as 16% click to web. In 2 weeks, Days Inn was able to book 36 rooms across the country resulting in over $2,000 worth of revenue.

Mobile marketing case study

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Brand: Days Inn| Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: increase bookings| Format: Mobile marketing| Agency: Ping Mobile & Multiplied Media


The fail trail: How 3 brands handled a social media crisis


When Domino’s employees were caught on YouTube defiling a pizza, the company took less than 3 weeks to claw back a 22% drop in customer sentiment. However, when Nestle and United Airlines suffered setbacks, the brands took considerably longer to recover. This infographic from software and consultancy firm SDL Social Intelligence looks at all three case studies and charts the ‘fail trail’ as companies recover from a social media crisis.

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Brand: Dominos, Nestle, United Airlines | Sector: FMCG, Travel | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Social Media

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

Case study – blogger engagement strategies in the UK


Digital marketers often overlook blogger engagement strategies which can be a quick win for many brands – here we show the top 20 most influential blogs in the UK market as a reminder that blogger engagement strategies should be on every marketer’s radar.

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Sector: Sport, Fashion, FMCG, Media, Film, Entertainment, TV, Finance, Gardening, Music, Food and Beverages, Travel, Retail, Retaurants, Health and Beauty | Country: UK | Objective: Brand positioning, drive engagement, Seasonal promotion | Format: SEO, Google, AdWords, Newspapers |

14/03/2013  |  Full story...

Further travel and tourism case studies

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