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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Brand Awareness case studies: we currently have 113.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 113 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case Study: 20th Century Fox | Media: MSN | Country: UK | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Brand awareness, purchase intent, cut-through | Format: Video, In-game advertising

Fox.jpgDigital media turned in a star-making performance for the launch of 20th Century Fox’s The Day The Earth Stood Still, as a groundbreaking study showcased its huge potential for film marketing.

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Case Study: Mars | Media: MSN | Country: Belgium | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning | Format: Video, Rich media

Mars.jpgA funky online video campaign for Mars got 16-34-year-old Belgians moving to the brand’s beat, and sent brand recognition scores dancing past industry benchmarks.

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Case Study: Motorola | Media: MSN | Country: Spain | Sector: IT telecommunications | Objective: Brand awareness, click-through, direct response, purchase intent | Format: Video, online advertising

Motorola.jpgInviting Spanish rock fans to jam online through MSN Video ensured a big audience reaction when Motorola’s new EM325 handset took to the stage. With ads on Windows Live Messenger alone delivering 39,500 click-throughs in 3 hours, a sell-out crowd was guaranteed.

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Case Study: Toyota Prius | Media: MSN | Country: Japan | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, brand repositioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich media

The Toyota Prius, the world’s first mass-produced hybrid vehicle, went on sale in 1997 as an environmentally friendly car. However, many consumers were put off by the new look of the vehicle. A light-hearted driving adventure, with users riding alongside through online video travelogues and Windows Live Messenger, persuaded consumers to spend more time with the Toyota Prius.

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Case Study: Mazda | Media: MSN | Country: Spain | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, purchase intent, integration | Format: Online advertising

Mazda.pngFuelling its launch of the Mazda2 through a mix of TV and online advertising delivered roaring results for Mazda. Exposure to the online ads increased awareness of the Mazda2 by 7 percentage points, with test drive applications increasing by 193 per cent during the campaign.

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Case Study: Ford | Media: MSN | Country: Denmark | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Brand awareness, brand repositioning, purchase intent | Format: Social Media, Design

Ford%20logo%201.jpgA bold, content-driven campaign, in which young women auditioned to present Fashion TV online drove Ford’s image makeover and helped to position the Fiesta as Denmark’s next top auto model.

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Case Study: Emirates | Media: BBC Worldwide | Country: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Mobile

Emirates utilised the BBC Worldwide mobile site to launch their advertising campaign.
High stand-out on the screen benefited the brand. As well as the weighting of the advertising content, the prestige of the BBC environment and the associated BBC brand halo effect. Emirates are also reaping the benefits of being seen as early adopters of the mobile channel.
Emirates was one the BBC's global launch partners advertising on BBC Mobile first started. This campaign not only hugely raised Emirates' awareness, but also drove a high volume of usage to Emirates' own mobile site. Key performance indicators included the uplift in mobile check-in use and the awareness of mobile check-in services.


Case Study: Qatar Airways | Media: BBC Worldwide | Countries: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich Media

Qatar Airways developed a rich media expandable unit to be placed on the BBC Worldwide website. This unit allowed for extended video, promotions of fares and useful tools like currency converter and weather info.
The result was a great benefit to the brand. As well as the audience reach and the BBC brand halo effect, it let users interact with the brand without leaving the environment.


Case Study: Promoting sport to haemophiliacs | Agency: Oi Media and Langland | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Brand awareness | Format: Games, user generated content, forums

cs_lacta.jpgAbout 6,000 people are affected with haemophilia in the UK. A preventative treatment (known as prophylaxis) allows those affected to lead virtually normal lives, with sport and exercise playing a vital role lessening the risk of bleeds. Bayer HealthCare hired Oi Media and Langland to create FactorFitness, a website giving haemophiliacs tips on how to get the most out of sport, while educating others on special requirements needed, such as the dedicated ‘Teachers Zone’. By far the most popular area of the site, the ‘Ask and expert’ feature lets people submit questions to resident physio and occupational therapists- providing a valuable resource. The site has a number of interactive features such as games and user generated photo galleries, while patients on Bayer get access to a special members area.


Case study: Emirates | Agency: Chemistry UK | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Travel | Objectives: Targeting, brand positioning, brand awareness | Format: Rich media

Case study: EmiratesA neat way of bringing mapping and personalisation into an advertising space. David Carr, Head of Interactive at Chemistry UK Says:

"Emirates is the only long haul airline to fly from 6 UK airports. Despite this, most people still associate mid and long haul flights for business or pleasure with Heathrow or Gatwick. Miles Better used geographic and behavioural targeting coupled with in-advertising mapping to encourage people to fly from their local airport. It demonstrated the ease of getting there by plotting a route and showed how quick the trip would be. The campaign was part of the 6 UK Airports strategy that combined brand led comms, direct response offers, and even brand utility applications to increase passenger numbers for Emirates flights at Newcastle, Birmingham, Glasgow and Manchester."

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Case study: Tomb Raider Underworld | Agency: JVST | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Gaming | Objectives: Brand awareness, cut-through | Format: Rich media & video

Case study: Tomb Raider UnderworldFor the launch of the new Tomb Raider game, this high impact take-over on a key website delivers both audience reach (within the right target) and detailed brand message. This is a great example of a take-over because the media owner has worked hard to give the brand a great deal of value. The integration with the content might seem shocking, but for the IGN gaming website it’s a perfect match for their target viewers.

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Case study: L’Oréal Derma Genesis | Agency: Compass Interactive | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Pharmaceuticals | Objectives: Brand awareness, engagement, purchase intent | Format: Rich media, microsite & video

Case study: L’Oréal Derma GenesisAchieving dwell time in media is a massive challenge. The click happy generation rarely spend seconds with commercial messages and have become adept at filtering out what doesn’t interest them. However this campaign from L’Oréal achieved 2-3 minutes of dwell time, here’s why…

Derma Genesis was a new product line from L’Oréal designed to revitalize and illuminate the skin. To promote brand awareness they launched a campaign in the Malaysian market to promote the range of products. L’Oréal has a reputation for forward thinking, and this was further proven by their first foray into online advertising. Rather than “testing the waters” with a minimum buy campaign, L’Oréal decided to pull out all the stops with Derma Genesis and launched a heavyweight campaign with free samples, a video contest, interactive product information and a really integrated campaign. For consumer packaged goods firms there’s a real challenge in building both awareness and encouraging trial, but the brand achieved this with the bespoke ‘MSN Homepage skinner’ advertising format. The presence of the brand clearly caught the attention of users on the MSN Homepage and also reached Windows Live Hotmail visitors. L’Oréal spokesmodel Penelope Cruz prominently featured on the home page.

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Case study: Pepsi Dear Mr President | Agency: R/GA | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positiong, purchase intent, engagement | Format: Rich media, social media, microsite & video

Case study: Pepsi Dear Mr PresidentThe goals for Pepsi were to bring awareness to their updated brand and logo, re-establish Pepsi’s position as a youthful challenger brand and tap into the iconic “change” social/political movement of the Obama election. They also wanted to foster brand community through 2-way communication with customers and chose the web and a social marketing model as the way to achieve this. Their ‘Refresh Everything’ message was a natural fit with Obama’s drive for change in politics and social values, and the campaign harnessed video content, social media and digital marketing in innovative ways to reach the millennial generation. The model centered around an open letter to Barack Obama and saw consumers recording their webcam messages directly from a video banner. This got them not only interacting with the banner, but actually creating content and pushing it back to the brand.

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