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Advertising case studies: we currently have 139.
Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 139 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more CaseStudies@DigitalTrainingAcademy.com.
Programmatic case study: Telegraph partners DoubleClick to boost ad revenues 126%
The Telegraph worked with Google’s Doubleclick to simplify its automated ad trading systems. This case study looks at how the UK newspaper got a 126% year-on-year increase in ad revenue through programmatic ads on its website.
29/10/2015 | Full story...
Digital marketing case study: How MAC cosmetics identified wasted impressions and increased conversions with Facebook’s Atlas tool
Digital ad campaigns which rely on cookies for ad targeting can often produce misleading results, wasted impressions and missed conversions. For the launch of MAC’s new eye shadow line, the cosmetics brand used Facebook’s Atlas tool for people based marketing to improve ad targeting.
22/10/2015 | Full story...
EA boosts Sim City downloads with smart A/B testing
Back in 2013, Electronic Arts used an A/B testing strategy to boost digital downloads of its SimCity 5 game. This case study looks at how the games maker made smart use of website optimisation to sell 1.1 million copies in the first two weeks, with 50% coming from direct online downloads.
08/10/2015 | Full story...
Optimisation case study: How changing one word boosted clicks by 161%
Back in 2011, Veeam Software wanted to improve the click-through rate from its product information page through to the sales inquiry form. This case study looks at how the company changed the wording of just link to get nearly three times more customers requesting a quote.
08/10/2015 | Full story...
Graphical advertising creative case study: How Audi teamed up with InSkin Media Singapore to raise brand awareness
In 2015 InSkin Media (ISM) Singapore partnered with Mediacom to help promote Audi's new A1 Sportback Model. The ad encouraged users to interact with the creative with buttons to change the colour of the car.
07/10/2015 | Full story...
Graphical advertising creative: How the automotive industry is getting creative with full page skin ads
InSkin Media have been working with numerous automotive manufacturers to create bespoke full page skin ads to boost brand awareness.
06/10/2015 | Full story...
Social media case study: How French Connection created the new nude with #MINDFCUK
In the early 90s French Connection created a storm of controversy when they began using the branding fcuk. For the launch of French Connection’s SS15 collection, French Connection wanted to bring back its convention busting fcuk brand personality and with the help of agency Lost Boys they created the social media campaign #MINDFCUK.
30/09/2015 | Full story...
Kids clothing maker gets 8.9% turnover boost through cart abandonment strategy
Sunuva is UK-based retailer of kids UV swimwear and beachwear that is validated by the British Skin Foundation. Its products are stocked in major department stores and independent boutiques all around the world, and the brand has a strong celebrity following.
16/09/2015 | Full story...
Regulation fail: Twitter pulls ‘massively dangerous’ Vine ads after epilepsy warning
In June 2015, Twitter pulled a brightly flashing Vine ad from its website Friday after receiving complaints from an epilepsy charity. This case study looks at why brands and publishers need to consider the medical implications of their ads.
@epilepsyaction @TwitterUK Hello, we appreciate your feedback, thank you. We have deleted them.
— Rachel Bremer (@ryb) July 10, 2015
30/07/2015 | Full story...
Display ad case study: Heineken inspires adventure with page takeovers
Heineken used PageSkin Plus to promote their Cities of the World campaign in Hong Kong. This case study looks at how the beer brand achieved 75.98 second average PageSkin dwell time with a smart page takeover ad.
15/07/2015 | Full story...
Laneige display ads get 90% ad recall
Laneige promoted their new Collegen Drink in Hong Kong with an animated PageSkin creative. The campaign delivered 90% brand recall.
15/07/2015 | Full story...
Pre-roll case study: Medibank stops pre-roll ad-skipping with clever YouTube ad
YouTube’s video ads often fail to capture viewers attention, leading to people clicking the skip ad button before absorbing the marketing message. With this in mind, Australian health insurer Medibank created the first pre-roll ad that actually played more, the more it was “skipped”… with amazing results.
25/06/2015 | Full story...
Corporate social responsibility case study: Biocoop runs ‘Most Eco-Friendly Campaign Ever’
Organic food retailer Biocoop wanted to push their ethical farming message to a wider digital audience- but stay core to their values by keeping carbon emissions to a minimum. This corporate social responsibility case study looks at how the firm produced the most eco-friendly ad ever.
18/06/2015 | Full story...
Paid search case study: How Dixons Carphone drove uplift in reach by 135% in just nine months
Dixons Carphone, the company that owns Currys and PC World, dominates the UK market for White Goods, computing and consumer electronics. This case study looks at how the firm worked with Greenlight to optimise paid search campaigns, improving increase in reach by 135%.
17/06/2015 | Full story...
Paid search case study: How Urban Outfitters replicated its strong brand presence in the UK across the rest of Europe
Retailer Urban Outfitters worked with agency Greenlight Digital to streamline its paid search campaigns and expand from three markets to 13 in just one year.
10/06/2015 | Full story...
Native content case study: Hidden Valley takes on ketchup with Buzzfeed push
To promote its new ‘Hidden Valley For Everything’ dressing, Clorox partnered with BuzzFeed to expand on its nickname “The New Ketchup,” in a fun, engaging way. This case study looks at how the FMCG firm enjoyed a 400% brand lift in social sharing via native content marketing.
03/06/2015 | Full story...
Display ad case study: Cadbury’s marching penguins capture viewers' attention
Promoting the latest 'Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Ice Creams' campaign, R&R Ice Cream chose PageSkin Plus with the extended header unit to showcase the characters of their campaign.
28/05/2015 | Full story...
Search marketing case study: Washington Wizards boost ticket sales 72% with AdWords
The Washington Wizards surprised everyone during the 2013–2014 NBA season by making the playoffs for the first time in five years. To capitalize on the team's success, the Wizards' owners, Monumental Sports & Entertainment, looked to grow ticket sales and attract new fans in the mid-Atlantic region. To do so, it used AdWords ad extensions and focused its ticket pricing strategy on the most engaged AdWords campaigns. The final score? Its overall return on ad spend for the 2013-2014 season jumped 293% and 72% of ticket purchases via AdWords come from new fans.
21/05/2015 | Full story...
Beach Body wars: Controversial posters spark social media backlash
A London poster ad featuring a bikini-clad model next to the words "Are you beach body ready?" has sparked a social media backlash. But it also made Protein World, the company behind the campaign, around £1m in sales within just four days. This case study looks at the one of the most controversial ads on the year and asks whether there really is no such thing as bad publicity…
30/04/2015 | Full story...
Creative marketing case study: Expedia ‘Travel Yourself Interesting’ shows value of expensive holidays
Expedia created online travel. But intense competition and the rise of price-comparison sites were leading to a decline in value, profitability and loyalty as more and more people turned to search engines to find ‘cheap holidays.’ In order to reposition itself in the market, Expedia created an ad campaign that focused on human nature and reminded people that travel is a valuable investment rather than a cost to be minimised.
28/04/2015 | Full story...
5 examples of how Twitter marketing can turn browsers into buyers
How can marketers go beyond engagements and ensure social media fans go on to make a purchase? This case study looks at 5 companies that used Twitter to convert consumers.
22/04/2015 | Full story...
Social issues case study: How brands are taking a stance (and winning fans) with LGBT advertising
Marketing entails more than just reaching the right person at the right time. Google and YouTube data looking at messages about diversity and equality for the LGBT community highlights some interesting results for Burger King and Honey Maid in the US.
16/04/2015 | Full story...
Content marketing case study: Snickers helps fans resell unwanted items bought when hungry
Ever bought something in a sale that you later regretted? Snickers blame these shopping errors on hunger to tie in with their “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign. This case study looks at how Snickers helped shoppers in Dubai resell unwanted items they bought in the sales.
18/02/2015 | Full story...
Food case study: ConAgra boosts display ad ROI with smart targetting
ConAgra Foods worked with advertising partners and measurement firm comScore to transform its approach to online advertising, resulting in improved campaign performance and ROI. This case study looks at how the FMCG giant achieved a 70% lift in attribute awareness and 30% lift in purchase intent by fine-tuning its targeting and working closer with publishers.
10/02/2015 | Full story...
Ecommerce case study: How Japan's Muji used big data to personlise the shopping experience
With nearly 600 retail stores and a strong online presence, Muji deployed InteractEdge from Infosys to generate higher sales through personalised product recommendations for over two million registered customers. This case study looks at how the Japanese firm strengthened customer loyalty and boosted revenues.
27/11/2014 | Full story...
Case study topics
- 1upSearch
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